This article applies to our On-Premise Appliance Filter and Firewall product only, not to Cloud.
You can drill down into a Safeguarding Report you have already generated to find out which users have caused each breach by identifying them with their username.
If your users share sign in credentials, you will not be able to identify which end user caused the breach. This is why we recommend each user and device has a unique identifier (username).
To view a single user's breach history for this date range, plus one hour either side of the breach, select their username.
- To view the browsing history either side of the duration shown, select Earlier or Later.
- To print the Safeguarding Report for a user, hover over the user's name and select Print. Printing from here expands the breaches for each user. To prevent your report from being multiple pages, consider narrowing the date range.
To see further information about a breach, select the breach entry Date / Time field.
We have hidden irrelevant data such as search suggestions, search results and tracking sites. To view this data and turn off the filter, select the Hide web furniture toggle.
To view the browsing history either side of the duration shown, select Earlier or Later.
When more data is required to understand the context of a breach, you may also find the Executive summary of a specific user report useful.