To reset your password:
- Ensure you see in the URL.
- Select Sign in in the top right.
- Select Forgot password?.
- Enter your email address.
- Select Submit.
- You will be sent an email with the subject line: Set a new Smoothwall by Qoria password.
- Select the link in the email to reset your password. The link will expire after one hour.
I can’t sign in
- Ensure you see in the URL at the top of your page.
- You have separate sign-in credentials for the Help Centre, to your Cloud Portal and On-Premise Appliance accounts, and to other Qoria products such as Record Manager. Having an account for one of our products does not automatically create a Help Centre account for you. Ensure you have signed up to the Help Centre.
- Press Ctrl + Shift + R (Command + Shift + R for macOS) on your keyboard to refresh your page.
- Open on a new browser in incognito or private mode, then sign in with your new password.
Email goes to Spam
If the email ends up in your Spam folder:
- If you’re using Google, open the message and select Report as not spam.
- If you’re using Outlook, contact your organisation’s IT support and ask them to allow * in your Firewall.
No reset password email
The password reset email may not reach your inbox immediately. After waiting a few minutes, refresh your browser or restart your email application.
If you don’t receive the email:
- Ensure you have created an account. If you don’t have an account, sign up.
- Check you are using the same email address the account was created with. If you have your emails redirected to another inbox, check the inbox of the email address your account is registered with. You can’t use a forwarding or an account recovery email address to retrieve your password.
- Although you should not email our support email address, it is used to route emails. To receive our replies, please add to your allow policies in your email provider.
Try to reset the password in Incognito or Private mode:
- Open an Incognito or InPrivate window.
- Try resetting your password again.
- If you receive the email, your Web Filter or Firewall Policies are likely blocking the emails. To prevent this issue from happening again or to others, contact your organisation’s IT support and ask them to allow * in your Firewall.