Supplied reports
- Malware Incl last 24 hours
- Estimated cost of Spam and Malware
- Incoming email summary incl last 24 hours
- Outgoing email summary incl last 24 hours
- Mailbox activity
- Times of day members of a group browses and the categories browsed
- Times of day an IP address browses, and the categories browsed
- Times of day a user browses and the categories browsed
- Times of day an IP address browses a specific URL
- Times of day a user browses a specific URL
- Times of day a group browses a specific URL
- Amount of time an IP address spent browsing sites in a category
- Amount of time a user spent browsing sites in a category
- Amount of time an IP address spent browsing a URL
- Amount of time a user spent browsing a URL
- Daily domain comparison
- Daily user comparison
- Daily category comparison
- Time spent browsing for a specific user
- Bandwidth usage by a specific user
- Suspicious web searches for all users excluding search suggestions
- Web searches for a specific user
- Complete IP address audit trail
- Top search terms and the searches they were used in for a specific user
- Complete user audit trail
- All blocked activity for a specific user
- Control page template report
- Web filter request statistics
- Web filter viruses detected
- Disk information