The instructions in this article should only be completed if told to do so by Smoothwall Support.
If you need to perform a system restore but you can't access the system GUI, you can use the command line System Restore tool.
Once logged on to the command line as root, use the command:
# /usr/bin/smoothwall/systemrestore list
To start the tool. There will be output like this:
System Restore
ID: 613 09 Apr 2019 11:21:59 - Automatic restore point version: 11 (Leeds) revision: 12
Find the ID of the restore point to revert to and run the following command:
# /usr/bin/smoothwall/systemrestore restore <ID number>
Once finished, run the reboot command:
# reboot
Note: Running just the command:
# /usr/bin/smoothwall/systemrestore
This will show a list of additional actions and options available.