If you don't know the IP addresses of your Smoothwall Filter and Firewall and you can't access the user interface, you can use the command line to check the current configuration.
Setup application
The "setup" application can be run by logging into the command line as root and issue the command:
# setup
The setup application has multiple configuration options available.
By entering the network interfaces section, all interface IP addresses can be seen. For any Smoothwall system the setup application will be able to configure the basic options for networking and allowing access to the admin interface.
Other command line tools
By issuing the command:
# ip addr
A full list of interfaces and their IP addresses are shown. If the list is too long, use SHIFT+PageUP and SHIFT+PageDOWN to scroll.
NOTE: The default password for the "root" (CLI) and "admin" (GUI) user is smoothwall. Use the setup application to change the root and/or admin user password. The root user password can also be changed using the command:
# passwd