When you get a login error using SSL Login you can retrieve the error code information used by the SSL login application to help find out what went wrong.
SSL Login Error Codes
Once you have an error page view the source. About 5 lines down you will see:
!-- [SSLLOGIN]<username>:<errorcode>:<refresh_time>:<client_ip>: --
is self explanatory.errorcode
will be:0
No error1
Bad security key on refresh. Key has timed out2
Security key expired on logout3
Security key bad on logout4
Internal Server Error: Could not connect to Auth to insert refresh IP5
Internal Server Error: Auth did not respond to request to insert refresh IP6
Licence Error: Too many users, please contact your administrator7
Too many concurrent logins8
Internal Server Error: Insert IP refresh failure9
Internal Server Error: Could not connect to Auth to request log in10
Internal Server Error: Auth did not respond to request to log in11
Login Failed12
Internal Server Error: Could not connect to Auth to insert IP13
Internal Server Error: Auth did not respond to request to insert IP14
Internal Server Error: IP insertion failed15
Internal Server Error: Could not connect to Auth to Logout16
Internal Server Error: Auth did not respond to request to logout17
Logout Failed18
Logout was successful19
Internal Server Error: Unknown Error20
Security key expired before refresh21
Internal Server Error: Could not connect to Auth to verify IP22
Internal Server Error: Auth did not respond to request to verify IP23
You are already logged on24
You have been automatically logged out25
Invalid user supplied at logout99
Fatal internal error: Please contact your administrator99
is generated internally bySSL Login.exe
and should not appear, contact Smoothwall support
is the refresh time in secondsclient_ip
is where the Smoothwall saw the request come from.
SSL Login uses this to determine if it might be getting NAT-ed along the way
For example:
!-- [SSLLOGIN]me:11:570: --