Some Kindle devices don't have proxy capability so you can't send the device's traffic to the Smoothwall Filter with a proxy. Even the Kindle Keyboard and the Kindle devices that have web browsers have no way to input proxy settings.
The Kindle device connects to Amazon over HTTPS port 443 and this means that for what the Kindle was designed for, using a proxy might not be recommended.
The Smoothwall Filter can filter HTTP and HTTPS transparently but again the Kindle doesn't support transparent HTTPS interception. All HTTPS connections must go direct to the Internet.
The only Kindle devices that you can input proxy details for is the Kindle Touch and Kindle Fire device. You need to add the proxy settings to the device and then add and configure the Books category to the Smoothwall Filter.
- You must connect the Kindle device to your wireless network first.
- From the Kindle device, go into the Wireless menu (typically, found under Quick Settings).
- Tap and hold (long click) the network name the device is connected to.
- Go into Advanced Settings.
- Add the proxy details for the Smoothwall web filter.
- Add the Books category to the Smoothwall Filter authentication exception list, see our help topic, Creating authentication exceptions. If you prefer not to add the whole Books category, you will need to undertake a traffic dumping and analysis exercise to identify the individual domains that your devices are accessing in order to add them to a Authentication Exception category.
- Create a policy with the following settings, see our help topic, Creating web filter policies:
- Who Unauthenticated IPs
- What Books
- Where Add the locations you wish it to apply to, or Everywhere
- When Add the times you wish it to apply at, or Always
- Action Allow