Note: If a built-in certificate is deleted, it's moved to a "holding area" rather than removed from the system because it can't be reimported if it was deleted by mistake.
On the SYSTEM menu, under the Certificates submenu, click Certificate authorities.
- To import certificate authority certificates:
- Under the Import Certificate Authority certificate section, click Choose File.
- Locate and open the relevant certificate. This must be in PEM format.
- Click Import CA certificate from PEM.
- To export certificate authority certificates:
- Locate and Mark the relevant certificate.
- From the Export format list, select either "CA certificate in PEM" to export the certificate in an ASCII (textual) certificate format commonly used by Microsoft operating systems, or select "CA certificate in BIN" to export the certificate in a binary certificate format.
- Click Export and save the certificate on suitable medium.
Follow-up tasks
- To review a specific certificate, click its name.
- To delete a certificate authority certificate, Mark the relevant certificate and click Delete.
- To restore all previously deleted CA certificates and restore them to their original location, click Restore deleted built-in CAs.
- You can set up an alert to get notified when certificates have expired, see our help topic, Setting up alerts for VPN certificate problems or impending expiration dates.