The RIP service turns on network-wide convergence of routing information amongst gateways and routers. A RIP-enabled gateway passes its entire routing table to its nearest neighbor, typically every 30 seconds.
The Smoothwall’s RIP service can operate in import, export or combined import/export mode, and export direct routes to the system’s internal interfaces.
- On the NETWORK menu, under the Routing submenu, click RIP.
- Under the Routing Information Protocol section, to turn on the RIP service, select the Enabled option.
- From the Scan interval list, select the time delay between routing table imports and exports. For networks with fewer hosts, select a frequent scan interval. Networks with a greater number of hosts should use a less frequent interval.
- From the Direction list, select how to manage routing information and from the Logging level list, select how detailed you want your logs to be.
- Under the RIP interfaces section, select the interfaces that you want the RIP service to import or export routing information.
- Under the Authentication section, select the authentication method that you want to use.
- If you select the Password option, enter the password.
- Under the Direct routing interfaces section, select the interfaces whose information should also include routes to the RIP service’s own interfaces when exporting RIP data.
- Click Save.