On the NETWORK menu, under the VPN submenu, click Certificate authorities.
- To import a certificate authority certificate:
- Under the Import Certificate Authority certificate section, click Choose File.
- Locate the certificate authority’s certificate that you want to import.
- Click Import CA certificate from PEM.
- To create a certificate authority:
- Under the Create local Certificate Authority section, enter a meaningful Common name for the Certificate Authority.
- Enter an administrative Email address, and an Organization and Department identifiers.
- Enter a Locality or town, a State or province and a two-letter Country code, such as US or UK.
- From the Lifetime list, select the length of time that the Certificate Authority is valid for.
- If you select "User defined" from the Lifetime list, enter the number of User defined (days).
- Click Create Certificate Authority.
Note: The certificate must be in PEM format for you to import it.
Note: This section isn't displayed when a local certificate authority exists.
Follow-up tasks
- To export a certificate authority's certificate:
- Under the Installed Certificate Authority certificates section, select the relevant local certificate authority.
- From the Export format list, choose the format for the certificate and click Export.
- Follow the instructions from your browser to save the certificate to another location.
- To delete an imported certificate authority's certificate:
- Under the Installed Certificate Authority certificates section, select the non-local certificate authority certificate and click Delete.
- To delete the local certificate authority and its certificate:
- Under the Delete local Certificate Authority section, select the Confirm deletion option and click Delete Certificate Authority.
WARNING: Deleting the local Certificate Authority will invalidate all certificates that it's created.