This example will demonstrate how to delegate VPN management from an un-configured main Smoothwall to an unconfigured secondary Smoothwall. The secondary Smoothwall is responsible for managing site-to-site and road warrior connections within its own geography.
This example covers configuration from scratch. Therefore, you must follow the instructions from the step most appropriate to your current level of VPN connectivity.
- Firstly, create a tunnel to link the main Smoothwall to the secondary Smoothwall, see our help topic, Creating a tunnel to link the main Smoothwall to the secondary Smoothwall Filter and Firewall.
- Create the primary site-to-site link, see our help topic, Create the primary site-to-site link.
- Create an additional Certificate Authority on the secondary Smoothwall system, see our help topic, Create an additional Certificate Authority on the secondary Smoothwall Filter and Firewall.
This additional Certificate Authority is used to create another local certificate for the secondary Smoothwall, and certificates for any further site-to-site or road warrior connections that it is responsible for managing.